Consuming brain-healthy foods is vital for optimal mental performance. Tomatoes contain lycopene; dark leafy greens such as spinach, arugula and kale contain folate and vitamin E rich foods; as well as fatty fish like salmon that provide boosts to brain power and memory improvement.
Antioxidants present in dark berries such as blueberries can provide protection from aging and dementia, while turmeric’s deep yellow hue contains curcumin, an ingredient which crosses blood-brain barriers to improve cognitive performance.
1. Beets
Beets are well-renowned for their nutritional value, with the nitrates found within them providing dilation of blood vessels for increased brain flow. A study conducted by Kim Shapiro in 2017 demonstrated that older adults who took beet juice supplements experienced brain activity more comparable to that of younger adults than without.
Beets make a great addition to salads or soups, especially when combined with garlic-cashew sauce for enhanced flavor and health benefits. Beets contain complex carbs which provide steady sources of glucose for brain use.
2. Dark leafy greens
Rush Memory and Aging Project researchers recently conducted a study with 960 participants, where it was discovered that those who consumed more leafy greens (about 1.3 servings daily) experienced slower cognitive decline than those who consumed less (even after controlling for factors such as age, education level, smoking status and alcohol intake). This association still stood true.
Leafy greens contain complex carbohydrates and B vitamins, essential components of brain function. Furthermore, they also offer natural plant compound lutein which has been demonstrated to prevent memory loss and strengthen thinking abilities as you age.
3. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the best vegetables to help enhance brain power. It contains compounds called glucosinolates that, when broken down by your body, produce isothiocyanates which protect against neuroinflammation and reduce oxidative stress. Furthermore, broccoli is rich in Vitamin K and Choline – two powerful brain boosters.
Cauliflower is also rich in antioxidants and anticancer compounds that may reduce inflammation while protecting against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, so add this cruciferous vegetable to your steamed or stir fry dishes for optimal health benefits.
4. Rosemary
Rosemary is known to contain antioxidants which can protect against free radical damage and has anti-inflammatory properties which may ease symptoms associated with digestive illness.
One study demonstrated that subjects who took memory tests in rooms filled with rosemary aroma performed 15% better. Rosemary has long been thought to boost alertness and mental focus by inhibiting drowsiness while stimulating brain activity.
Inhaling rosemary essential oil may also help alleviate stress by lowering cortisol and improving mood.
5. Salmon
Salmon is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins – both vital for brain health. Furthermore, it contains carnosic acid – an antioxidant which protects against neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease-causing chemicals free radicals – making this seafood choice one of the best ways to stay mentally sharp! Enjoy wild salmon meals or try creating this smoked salmon salad dish.
Eggs are an excellent source of choline, which has been shown to assist memory and cognitive function. Nuts such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts provide healthy fats and proteins while providing plenty of Vitamin E which has been found to prevent cognitive decline.
6. Brown rice
Brown rice is rich in B vitamins that increase blood flow to the brain, aiding memory. Furthermore, it contains complex carbohydrates which provide the brain with steady sources of energy.
Buckwheat can add an extra boost of brainpower. Packed with iron – essential for transporting oxygen directly to the brain – as well as antioxidants and vitamin E – this grain may prevent oxidative stress while decreasing your risk for neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s.
7. Green tea
Green tea (houjicha) has long been touted for its ability to boost mental capacity and performance. Now, according to a new study, even modest doses may increase mental task performance.
Researchers administered milk beverages containing green tea extract or not to participants and conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Their brains were then scanned, with results showing that drinking the beverage increased connectivity between frontal lobes and parietal lobes – two areas associated with working memory.
8. Red wine
Red wine’s polyphenol resveratrol boasts anti-inflammatory properties and may help lower risk for Alzheimer’s by blocking protein which forms plaques in the brain. Furthermore, piceatannol produced from resveratrol helps inhibit fat cell development while simultaneously decreasing blood sugar levels.
Recent research indicates that moderate mocha pot coffee and red wine consumption is linked with improved global cognition and mood among mild cognitive impairment patients, but excessive alcohol consumption may pose serious health issues.